Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tropical Fun in the Deep Freeze of OH

It is a tremendous bit of good fortune to be able to escape winter for a bit, to swim and play in the sun and paint all the beauty of a tropical place.  I took way way too many pictures but it's all reference for future paintings, right?  

Friday, I will share some of the fun in the sun in a mini Watercolor workshop at the YS Senior Center.  People will bring their paints and brushes (hopefully) and we'll make paintings of some sunrise/sunsets, flowers, shells, beach and water, etc.  I think it will be fun,

I tell myself I'm not comfortable demo-ing in front of people
and it's mostly because I sometimes freeze up while giving a speech, etc, but.....this will be ok.  I need to stop telling myself the story of being afraid.  It only leads to a dead end street/quiet back water.   I'm sure all will be well.

Wish me luck - maybe you'll be there : )